Tag Archives: hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide to remove dry blood stain


Do you have a bleeder in the house? Well, my kids are. Especially in summer time, my kids frequently have nose bleeds. My youngest one usually have them when he is asleep and he will wake up with his pillow and pillowcase bloodied. Dried blood is hard to remove and a quick way to remove it is by using Hydrogen Peroxide.

When you pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain, it will bubble up and create a chemical reaction. You will actually feel it warm up due to the reaction. The hydrogen peroxide reacts with the protein in the blood and basically soften up the dried up blood so that you can wash it out.

Once you got the reaction going, let it stand for 5 mins. then rub or scrub it off, rinse and toss it in the wash. One thing to remember about blood stain or any stains, if you use the dryer and there is still some stain left, it will set in the clothes and you will not be able to take it off anymore. Make sure that you got the stain removed in your clothes before putting them on the dryer.