Tag Archives: fast easy garlic bread recipe

Quick and easy garlic bread recipe


My kids love spaghetti and almost once a week we make some spaghetti or some type of pasta. They also liked garlic bread to eat with it. I used to buy those frozen garlic bread from the grocery and it takes 20-30 mins just to heat them up in the oven.

One day, it just occured to me that I have garlic powder that I usually use in cooking and thought that I can easily toast some bread, spread some butter and sprinkle some garlic powder on it. No more waiting for some soft garlic bread from the oven. It is pretty easy and fast to do so that there is no more waiting. Plus, it taste as good as any garlic bread out there.

I also remember that I used to do this the hard way where I have to minced garlic. Slather butter on bread, spread the minced garlic and throw in the oven and wait 25 mins.  It tastes good but in just a couple of minutes, you can easily do it too with this quick and easy garlic bread recipe 🙂 and it will taste the same. So, with this food hack, you can save time and money…just imagine how many garlic bread you can make from a 21 ounce garlic bread powder…

So for your spaghetti day, try this hack and see if your kids will like it. They may want to have it eveytime you have pasta just like my kids.