Maximus Floodlight Camera Update – Some Minor But One Major Issue!

I’ve been testing the Maximus Floodlight cam for about a couple of weeks now and I’m actually getting ready to do a comparison video between this camera and the Ring floodlight cam. I had high hopes for this camera that it will at least be as good as Ring’s Floodlight or even better.

I had a couple of concerns that I stated in my review video which I’ll link in the description down below. My first concern is that most of the camera and the floodlight itself are made of plastic which I don’t have anything against plastic but I don’t know about the longevity of this product when exposed to the elements especially the heat….

My other issue is with the floodlight not turning on during motion at night and because the camera doesn’t have night vision, it will not detect any motion when the lights are off. Now, this is using kuna AI which is their advanced motion detection alogrithm.

Now, I’ve been noticing more that the motion detection even at high sensitivity is not 100%. Like in this footage, I’m backing out my car and I would assume that motion would turn the lights on and also start recording but it didn’t.

I have to move the car forward again just to get detected. I don’t know if it something to do with the rain.

So, there are times that it will not detect motion at all and this with the setting on 21 and the app will even warn you that you will get a lot of false alarms because it is going to be very sensitive. Well, it doesn’t.

You will also see that the zones that I highlighted for both people and cars takes the whole width of the camera’s field of view, so, I don’t know why my car and even me or people occasionaly will not get detected. This might be an algorithm and firmware issue that can be fixed with an update.

Now, if you turn off the Kuna AI and use the PIR sensor only, I will get a decent amount of false alarms and it is going to be more of a trial and error to get a balance between accuracy in detecting and minimizing false alarms.

I chose the Kuna AI motion detecting mode mostly because you can set the zones and it can differentiate between people or cars.

Now, for the straw that broke the camel’s back…It has been raining the whole week..well, around 2 days with the maximus working on top of my garage door and I was recording this footage and you will notice that it is pixelated. I guess the rain drops falling in front of the camera has something to do with it when the camera autoadjusts…because when I turn off the lights, the footage looks ok…

The next morning, I noticed a spot on the camera which looks like a water droplet..which I thought, that I’ll be climbing up in the ladder later on to clean the lens…or it might just dry out and it should be ok.

Then, when I checked after lunch, I noticed the fogginess…and there is definitely no fog and actually the rain has already stopped.

So, when i checked it later on that afternoon, which the fogginess got worse and when I tried wiping off the lens, it didn’t help. The moisture is definitely inside the camera. That is not good for a weather resistant outdoor cam. So, off to the phone I go with customer service. I am also in contact with their PR person who I relayed the issue and they got back to me wanting me to send the item back and they will be also sending me a replacement. So, at this time, my comparison video with the Ring floodlight cam is up in the air and this issue is a major one for this camera.

I mostly hear good reviews for the maximus that this might be an isolated case. But, remember, this was just released recently and I bet not a lot of you have the cameras soaked in the rain. But, we will see and I’ll be definitely testing the replacement camera when it comes in.

For now, My ring floodlight cam is back on its place. I posted my 6 month and 1 year review of this camera and hasn’t given me any issues especially its weather resistance. It’s motion detection has also been spot on.

That’s it for the update. Let me know in the comments below if your maximus floodlight has been in the rain and you had no issues with it. I’m really hoping that this is an isolated case but if not, then Kuna already knows that they might have weatherproofing issues with this camera.

Maximus Floodlight Camera –

Ring Floodlight Camera –