Category Archives: Solutions

Ring Spotlight Camera and Floodlight Cam Night Vision Hack To Full Color

I posted a video about my Ring Spotlight and Ring Floodlight camera’s night vision…about a couple of weeks ago…and wanting Ring to update their app and firmware so that users can switch on or off the night vision…If you don’t know why we need that option, check out that video and I’ll post it in the description down below.

Ring’s night vision Issues –

Ring answered and is currently working on the update. So, while we are waiting..I have been thinking of a little physical hack that I can do to override the camera’s sensor and to deactivate the night vision mode–which is basically black and white footage when the Ring’s floodlight or the spotlights are on.

So, while I was mesmerized by the fiber optic lights on my little Christmas Tree…a light bulb in my head turned on…

What if I can take some fiber optic and I’ll put one end on the sensor and the other end on the, when the lights turn on, then the other end of the fiber optic will glow and hopefully, it will be enough to trick the sensor not to turn on the night vision….

So, I just need to test it out…

I just need to take off 3-4 strands of fiber optic from the Tree..the longer you can get it, the better especially if you have the Ring floodlight. If you have the Ring spotlights, even a short one will do. Now, if you don’t have anything that has fiber optics on it and you want to try this hack, just search fiber optic at Amazon and you can get a big roll for 9 bucks..

What we are going to do is to bundle the strands and use a transparent tape to hold them together. Do the same thing on the other side.

You can then make a cut to make all the fibers at the same length. There it is and this one is long enough that we can put this in Ring’s Floodlight cam.

Basically, this is how it is going to work…one end of the fiber optic will be in the light..and here I’ll test it with my flashlight. You can see at the other end that it glows…and if you place this on the sensor then it will not trigger the night vision because it will think that it is daytime.

As you can see in the left front side of the camera lens is a little light sensor. This is where we are going to tape one end of the fiber optic then on the other end will be on one of the floodlights.

We will just use a transparent tape to secure it. Then on the other end we will tape it to the light…You can bend it so that the end will be at least pointing at the light..then secure it with tape just like so…

Now, let’s turn on the floodlights and see if the fiber optic glows..

Yup it does…

Let’s see if it works…

Will go to live view…

Night vision on and floodlights are off…

Let’s turn on the lights. it is in full color…

Turning it off…it should go back to night vision…

well, eventually..

There..night vision again

Now, I have to do this hack on my Spotlight cam.

One end on the sensor…

The other end on one of the spotlight LEDs..

Live View..

then we will turn on the lights…

hahaha…there you go full color…

This one with me in it…night vision on..lights are off…

lights on…night vision off.

Ring Floodlight Camera –
Ring Spotlight Camera –
Amazon Search – Fiber optic –